Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Where I am! (Part 2 :D)

                       You're probably wondering why I am writing another post on where I am. It could be one of the following two things: I have a burning passion to write 750 word essays on where I am, or my last post was the same exact thing that I wrote for an elective essay in my Composition class.... Yup! It’s the second one! Apparently you aren't supposed to do that. :/
            When proceeding to dive into a deeper explanation on the place that I live and how it has made me who I am, I won’t lie that I was thinking it would be hard for me to describe all those details in different ways. I tend to be a little redundant in my first few drafts of any writing that I do but here it goes:
            Aurora flipping Nebraska; I love it here! I can’t imagine how any other place in the world could be a better spot to raise a family. The town itself is classy, clean, and kept-up while the people who inhabit it are kind, respectable, and good-hearted humans. Most of the people here want the next generation to succeed and the leaders of the community provide numerous activities and opportunities for us students to discover who we are and what we are good at. Off the top of my head I think of the teachers at Aurora Public Schools, the small business owners who employ young adults in the community, and the parents who support the life-changing decisions that are made throughout these crucial high school years! Just about anywhere I go, and anything I do in the community I can find someone who is looking out for my best interests.
            One of the greatest, yet saddest memories that I will always associate with the town will be when I think about when my friend Jacob died. It was an miserably sad experience, but looking back I can reflect on how the whole town seemed to come together for a while! Not everyone knew him, but I would assume that at least 90% of the people knew of him! The support for his family provided by the community is something you could never get in a city.
            I have never felt like I am in danger here. Though the law enforcement here may seem a little overprotective to some, they do a phenomenal job of keeping out the bad and protecting the good. Of course, every once in a while there is a drug bust and maybe a robbery in town, but those events are few and far between. My parents truly chose one of the safest towns in Nebraska!
            When working at the local 40 room motel, located right off the highway that passes through town, I’ve met many people, different in many ways. One thing that I found almost all of them have in common is their surprise for this town. It’s generally not a place that an out-of-stater would want to spend a family summer vacation, but the activities and involvement among the community take those people by surprise. They didn’t expect a little motel with dirt cheap rates to have such simply nice rooms. This is definitely comparable to the town itself. From the outside it may seem like there isn’t a whole lot going on here, but the community involvement and activities available are almost unlimited! This is due to the good-hearted people who volunteer to provide entertainment at special events, and people who work the three dollar movie theater every weekend, expecting nothing in return!
            I love my school! I feel like I can completely fit in and be the way I naturally am when walking through these halls. The teachers and administrators want me, and the rest of the students, to develop into successful adults. They never hesitate to explain a little more, whether it be after class or during a lecture, to someone who doesn’t understand. They really go the extra mile. Some could say that they are only doing it for their glory and because they have to, but the teachers in Aurora aren’t like that. They care, and in return, most of us students notice it and decide to return the full effort.
            Aurora may not be the flashiest town out there, but it’s one that is so special to me. If I don’t return here when I start my family, I know that I will want to live in a classy town just like this one. It would be hard for an outsider to ever understand what it is like here, unless they have been here. It’s not snobby, but instead filled with God-fearing and hospitable people. The next time you pass through Aurora don’t regret not stopping by one of the museums and maybe grabbing a bite to eat at one of the restaurants, it will be worth it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Truthfully, even though your elective essay was good, I felt like this posting was way better than the other one! You seemed more at ease with this one and it just had a much more powerful voice. (But maybe it is because you didn't feel pressured to get it done and you could just relax and think a bit more about Aurora, Nebraska!) And you really got to the heart of it through your examples here! I loved it!!
